Cryopen Cryotherapy Treatments


Cryopen Cryotherapy Treatments

Cryotherapy is a highly effective and safe procedure that is used tofreeze and destroy benign skin lesions.

It uses liquefied nitrous oxide to destroy the tissue by freezing thecell fluid which in turn forms ice shards that rupture the cell membrane inturn destroying the cell and the lesion.

Cryotherapy is beneficial as it is quicker than other treatments andpatients can be in and out in seconds. It requires no anaesthesia and hasminimal scarring. There are no limitations on activities (except protecting thearea from damage or abrasion) and patients can return to normal activitiesafter treatment.

CryoPen treats all benign skin lesions.
Pigmented spots
Cherry angiomas
Sun spots
Seborrheic keratoses
Skin tags
And more!

Price on consultation
Consultation - free
Prices from - £50

"One of the most professional places I've been to. Nice and very friendly staff.  Thank you"

Magdalena R
The Retreat Eastbourne Reviews
The Retreat Health and Beauty Salon Eastbourne